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  • What is the CIC HSC course?
    This new CIC (Construction Industry Council) and Accredex HSC course is a totally new way of “learning and being examined” to CSCS standards to be able to apply for a PQP (Professionally Qualified Person) or AQP (Academic Qualified Person) CSCS white identity card. To expand on above, for a candidate to be able to get a CSCS card they must have a recognised professional qualification, and must be a member of a relevant CIC industry body. To purchase the course - click here -
  • Who is the CIC HSC course for?
    For all professionals within Construction and the Built Environment who may need to visit sites as part of their job - this includes people like Architects, Engineers, Surveyors. For those wishing to apply for a CSCS card, CSCS requirements are that the professional must also have a valid professional qualification (for example a recognised degree), and a membership of a CSCS PQP organisation from the table below: APM Association for Project Management APS Association for Project Safety BIID British Institute of Interior Design CABE Chartered Association of Building Engineers CIAT Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists CICES Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors CIHT Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation CIOB Chartered Institute of Building GF Ground Forum ICWCI Institute of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate IET-BEP Institution of Engineering and Technology - Built Environment Panel IFE Institution of Fire Engineers IIRSM International Institute of Risk & Safety Management ISSE Institute of Specialist Surveyors and Engineers IStructE Institution of Structural Engineers IWFM Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management LI Landscape Institute RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects RICS Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
  • How do I buy the course?
    Single users can buy the course on our learning platform at Users need to self-register and then purchase the course. Companies / groups of users can buy the course by asking for a quote/invoice via Once the invoice is paid we will ask for user details to setup the users.
  • Why should I take the CIC HSC course?
    This will provide benefits and protection for your business, yourself, your fellow workers, the public and the environmental surroundings.
  • Why do my professional construction workers need a CSCS cards?
    The CSCS white card is aimed at all professional construction workers - including architects, engineers, surveyors - who whilst they are not active hands-on site workers, need access to UK building environments to do their job. ​ CONTEXT: The CIC have stated that their membership is over 500,000 built environment professionals of whom over 235,000 require regular access to sites to do their job. However, there are only 35,000 registered HSE CSCS cards. This means that there is a 200,000 shortfall in the compliance of organisations and individuals. ​ The CIC and Accredex have identified many reasons for not getting professionally accredited - pricing, travel costs, out of office costs, availability of exams etc – this course hopefully removes most, if not all these issues.
  • What are the consequences of not having a CSCS card - our employees access sites all the time?
    Accredex would suggest a thorough interrogation of the available rules and regulations available on the CIC and CSCS websites regarding site access. The penalties for injury on site (to your employees or other) or corporate manslaughter amongst professionals who are on site without the relevant criteria and compliance means your organisation, and its executives, are extremely exposed to personal actions, bankruptcy or extreme fines against individuals or executives or against organisations and its reputation. ​ The CIC, CLC (Construction Leadership Council), the CSCS (Construction Services Certification Scheme) and Accredex strongly suggest you ensure your personnel are compliant and always accredited.
  • How much does the CIC HSC course cost?
    The course is £49.99 per person. We want this course to be accessible to everyone in the industry, from sole traders to tier one contractors. This includes 2 exam attemps - where the exam is invigilated "in house" at your organisation. We have a minimum order of 5 users.
  • Where do I sit the exam?
    Organisations can run the exam in-house for their employees - whether for 1 person or 100. See other FAQs for the course and exam process. This is not suitable for single users / self-employed professionals who have no one to invigilate their exam. Please do not purchase if you are not able to have a co-worker / manager invigilate the exam. There are no refunds if you later state you do not have an invigilator.
  • What is the Course and Exam process ?
    The process to get access to the course, and then to sit the exam is as follows:- ​​ Order and pay for the course(s) via our website (for larger orders contact for a volume quote) We will email to ask for candidate(s) details then allocate the course on our LMS (Learning Management System) You have 30 days to complete the course and exam. Once your candidates are ready for the exam, the invigilator should arrange exam time via this form - Please note you need to request the exam at least the day before, if not earlier as we do not monitor requests during the day.​ The invigilator needs to be someone in your organisation. The invigilator needs to watch over those taking the test to ensure that they follow the exam conditions as per the Self-Invigilation FAQ answer After the exam, the invigilator needs to attest to the exam invigilation by filling in the form here- Please ensure candidates have updated their profile with a passport style headshot photo, which is picked up by CSCS from our system for cards. Apply for a white CSCS card on their website (separate charge due to CSCS) Note: users Firstname, Lastname MUST match their Identity Document (passport), their Professional Qualification (degree) and their Professional body membership
  • How do I book the exam ?
    Once your candidates are ready for the exam, the invigilator should let us know the exam day and time via this form- Please note you need to request this at least the day before, if not earlier as we do not monitor requests during the day. The invigilator needs to be someone in your organisation. The invigilator needs to follow the invigilation rules which are on the FAQ under "What is SELF-INVIGILATION?" heading After the candidates take the exam, the invigilator needs to attest to the exam invigilation by filling in this form - Please ensure candidates have updated their profile with a passport style headshot photo, which is picked up by CSCS from our system for cards. Subject to CSCS rules (qualification, professional body membership) candidates can then apply for a white CSCS card on their website (note: separate charge payable to CSCS)
  • What is Self-Invigilation?
    Self-Invigilation means that you as an organisation can run your own exams. You will need to appoint an “Invigilator” whose responsibilities will be as follows (which is required by the CSCS to ensure all exams are conducted in the right way): ​ The invigilator needs to book an appropriate room or office in which an exam can be held. The invigilator needs to ensure that each candidate is a UK employee of the organisation and under UK employment law each candidate is who they say they are (see note) Candidates must be assessed under exam conditions in a space separated from any working environment and team members or colleagues No candidate should communicate visually or verbally with any other candidate during the exam No candidate should have any mobile device or other device which could connect to the internet other than the device provided for the examination No candidate should have any other material with them that could be used to influence the outcome of their assessment. The invigilator to candidate ratio should be reasonable (up to around 20 users per invigilator) The invigilator should announce the start of the exam and then ends the exam after a maximum of 60 minutes. Each candidate has 45 questions to answer in this period. Before each planned exam time Accredex will remove the course content from the learner’s accounts and replace this with the exam module. After the exam, the invigilator needs to attest to the exam invigilation rules above by filling in the form here- The system records the scores automatically. Those that pass the 80% mark can apply direct to the CSCS for their card (subject to CSCS requirements around qualifications and professional body membership) ​ Notes: 1. The identity validation must including checking of identity document (passport or driving license), and the invigilator must check that the names match (i.e. the legal firstname must match between ID doc and the CIC/Accredex system as this will be used by CSCS to validate the application for card. 2. This is not suitable for single users / self-employed professionals who have no one to invigilate their exam. Please do not purchase if you are not able to have a co-worker / manager invigilate the exam. There are no refunds if you later state you do not have an invigilator.
  • Is this online course just a click through exercise?
    No. This is content that was written by industry experts and is the most up to date and “fit for purpose” HSC course available. The course is interactive and often requires the learners to participate and click on specific icons to access further information. ​ Each course module has been broken down into sub modules and each sub module has a “teach me / test me” learning path. This means that after reviewing and learning each “teach me” sub module, you can then access the relevant “test me” sub module, therefore assessing your learning success as you go. There is no time limit to the learning before the exam is required. ​ THE TEST ME sub modules are not official exams and do not count against your score. They are a way of assessing your knowledge on each subject ready for the final exam module. ​ Note: The online course is available 24 x 7 and each module, sub module and test me modules can be accessed and reviewed time and time again until the learner is satisfied that they are ready for the exam.
  • How long does the certification last?
    Certification lasts for three years and allows the candidate to apply for a CSCS white card.
  • What if I fail the exam?
    The multiple choice exam can be taken twice, included in the price, with any additional resists requiring another copy of the course to be purchased. If you fail the exam, you re-request the exam via the normal form
  • What is an LMS?
    An LMS is a Learning Management System, an application that stores and presents the course information.
  • Does this count towards CPD?
    Yes, this course will provide CPD hours; number of hours is self assessed, but CPD have indicated at least 5 hours.
  • What is the Return-on-Investment for taking this course ?
    If you have 50 professionals that require a CSCS white card for access onto sites to do their job then for these employees to become compliant it would cost potentially: ​ Current Training Provider Accredex Solution The more people you have then the bigger your savings. Training that works around you!
  • How do I apply for my CSCS card?
    Once you have completed the course content, and taken the exam successfully, you can apply for your CSCS card* on the CSCS portal at When you get to the question on CITB health, safety and environment test or an approved alternative within the last 2 years ? Select Yes (we are an approved alternative) And select CIC Health and Safety Certification as the approved alternative. Click Add and the enter the achievement date and upload a copy of the pass certificate You shoud then be able to submit your application. *Note: to apply for CSCS card you need to be a member of an approved industry body, and have the relevant professional qualification.
  • How easy is it to navigate?
    It is extremely user friendly, and a user guide is available upon request.
  • Can I take the course on my iPhone or Android phone?
    Yes, this course can be taken on any internet enabled device - either in a browser or via native app. The native app can be downloaded from the app store. In the native app, courses can be downloaded and used in offline mode, and then course progress synchronises to our LMS when online.
  • My course progress is not being saved - what is wrong ?
    If you have issues running the course, the usual problem is browser settings preventing cookies or cross-site browser windows. How to prevent browser compatibility issues with SCORM content Third-party cookies are placed into a user’s browser by a website hosted on a domain other than the one they’re currently visiting. Just like standard cookies, third-party cookies are used for multiple reasons (e.g., caching user settings and preferences, tracking information, etc.). To distribute SCORM content (i.e. the course and exam files), you must configure your browser to accept third-party cookies. Most browsers accept them by default. If your browser doesn’t (i.e., Safari) or you’ve already disabled third-party cookies from your settings, you have to enable them immediately for SCORM content to load properly. Here’s how to enable third-party cookies in six popular browsers: A. Mozilla Firefox 1. Click the menu symbol and choose Options. 2. Go to the Privacy and Security tab. 3. In the History section, choose Use custom settings for history from the Firefox will drop-down list. 4. In the Cookies and Site Data section, check Accept cookies and site data from websites. 5. From the Accept third-party cookies and site data drop-down list, choose Always. B. Google Chrome 1. Click the menu symbol and choose Settings. 2. In the Privacy and security section, click Cookies and other site data. 3. Make sure you Allow all cookies. C. Internet Explorer 1. Click the gear symbol and choose Internet Options. 2. Go to the Privacy tab. 3. Click Advanced. 4. On the Advanced Privacy Settings dialog box, check Override automatic cookie handling. 5. On the First-party Cookies section, check Accept. 6. On the Third-party Cookies section, check Accept. 7. Check Always allow session cookies. 8. Click Ok. 9. Click Ok again and restart the browser. D. Microsoft Edge 1. Click the menu symbol and choose Settings. 2. In the Advanced settings section, click View advanced settings. 3. From the Cookies drop-down list, choose Don’t block cookies. E. Safari (Mac) 1. Click Safari and choose Preferences. 2. Go to the Privacy tab. 3. In the Cookies and website data section, uncheck Block all cookies. F. Safari (iOS) 1. On your iPhone or iPad, click Settings. 2. On the left-hand panel, choose Safari. 3. In the Privacy & Security section, uncheck Block Cookies. Note: In iOS and MacOS, also make sure that Prevent cross-site tracking is unchecked. If this doesn't work, contact us at
  • What are the requirements to get a CSCS white card ?
    Getting a CSCS white card ​ It is possible to get a CSCS White card after taking this course and exam, as long as you meet CSCS requirements for either Academically Qualified Person (AQP) or Professionally Qualified Person (PQP). ​ AQP card is available to people who have completed certain construction related degrees, HNDs, HNCs, CIOB Certificates and NEBOSH diplomas. Visit the CSCS Card Finder tool to find out if your academic qualification is accepted for the AQP card. ​ PQP card is available to competence assessed members of CSCS approved Professional Bodies. Applicants will need to supply proof that they hold current membership of the professional body at a level accepted by CSCS. Please see CSCS PQP Cards page for further information. If you are not suitable for this route then our exam is also suitable for SKILLcard. Check SKILLcard requirements via their checker
  • What is your GDPR Policy ?
    Data Protection Policy & GDPR Statement GDPR is a new European Union legislation that came into force on the 25th May 2018 to regulate the use and storage of personal data by private and public sector organisations within member states of the European Union. The regulation contains the most significant changes to European data privacy legislation in the last 20 years. It is designed to give EU citizens more control over their data and seeks to unify a number of existing privacy and security laws under one comprehensive law. ​ Our customers can trust that ACCREDEX Ltd has made GDPR a priority and has devoted significant and strategic resources toward our efforts to comply with GDPR. This post outlines our approach and progress to date. ACCREDEX GDPR Statement ACCREDEX Ltd is committed to protecting all its customers, suppliers and team members by maintaining best practice data protection processes in line with all UK and EU law including GDPR. ACCREDEX is engaged in selling goods and services to corporate and public sector enterprises and all marketing activity is directed at these enterprises. In the legitimate pursuit of this business ACCREDEX may hold data on individuals working in these organisations. This data is limited to name, job title, organisation email address and telephone numbers. We do not hold personal data such as home addresses or any personal credit card or bank details. ​ ACCREDEX has undertaken a review of its data protection policy and implemented the following; Reviewed what data we hold Identified how this data was collected Reviewed how we communicate that this data is only used for the legitimate pursuit of business to business activity Reviewed our processes for responding to requests to delete, amend or restrict data. Reviewed our processes for providing access to data when legitimate requests are made Reviewed our legitimate use of data for business to business activity Reviewed our consent mechanism. ACCREDEX has interpreted that the GDPR consent guidelines do not wholly apply to B2B activity and that our Unsubscribe policy meets best practice and legislative guidelines. Reviewed our security and ability to prevent, detect and report data breaches in line with GDPR Reviewed the need for a Data Protection Impact Assessment ​ IP Addresses and Cookies We may collect information about your computer, including where available your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration. ​ We may use ‘cookies’ to monitor how people use our site. Most websites use cookies. They help us to understand how our customers and potential customers use our website so we can develop and improve the design, layout and function of the sites. We may, for example, use cookies to store registration information so that you do not have to provide it to us on subsequent visits. A cookie is a piece of information that is stored on your computer’s hard drive which records how you have used a website. This means that when you go back to that website, it can give you tailored options based on the information it has stored about your last visit. If you do not want us to use cookies in your browser, you can normally set your browser to reject cookies or to tell you when a website tries to put a cookie on your computer. However, you may not be able to use some of the products or services on our website without cookies. For information about how to disable cookies in your browser please visit the website. ​ Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer or device by setting your browser to not accept cookies. Some browsers provide a mode where cookies are always deleted after a visit. How we use personal data ACCREDEX will only process your data where it has a legal basis for doing so. ACCREDEX uses the data collected to communicate with you and to offer you our online learning and consultancy services. We will also use your data to improve or maintain the services we offer to you and our website. We will never share your data with any other third party, other than those stated in this policy, nor use your data for any other purpose, unless we firstly gain your consent to do so. ​ We may use your data for profiling in the context of segmentation and targeting for marketing purposes. We may use personal data such as job title, sector, company, and your previous activity on our website or with our marketing communications. This enables us to provide you with information and promotions that are likely to be relevant to you. We may also use data such as your name and job title to personalise communications you receive from ACCREDEX and our website. You have the right to access, rectify, erase, object and restrict the processing of your personal data, with the ability to choose which promotional communications you wish to receive and how you would like to receive them. You also have the right to opt-out of receiving our marketing communications at any time. ​ Our legal basis for processing personal data Our legal basis for processing your personal data may rely upon our Legitimate Interest. Legitimate interest. ‘Legitimate Interest’ means the interests of our company in conducting and managing our business to enable us to give you the best services and experience. For example, we have an interest in making sure our services are relevant for you, so we may process your personal data to contact you by telephone with discussions tailored to your interests. When we process your personal information for our legitimate interests, we make sure to consider the balance and any potential impact on you (both positive and negative) and your rights under the data protection regulation. Our legitimate business interests do not automatically override your interests – we will not use your personal data for activities where our interests are overridden by the impact on you (unless we have your consent or are otherwise required or permitted to by law). Our legitimate business interests may include some or all of the following: For evidential purposes to effectively manage and maintain records of our relationships/communications with you; For business development related activity such as contacting you by telephone or email to arrange meetings with our experts in relation to work or knowledge sharing; To enhance, modify, personalise or otherwise improve our services and communications for the benefit of you; To better understand how you interact with our website and content in order to enhance your customer experience; To determine the effectiveness of promotional campaigns to inform marketing strategy. Retention Period ACCREDEX will only keep your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it was gained. Personal data will be retained for the purposes of direct marketing, relationship management and business development, or where we have another legal basis for processing (such as your consent or a contract with you). ACCREDEX will review the personal data we hold on you every 12 months to check for accuracy and relevancy and to ensure that we continue to have a legal basis for processing. If the personal data is no longer necessary, or where we no longer have the legal basis for processing, we will delete or fully anonymise the data we hold on you, in line with our GDPR Policy. If your data becomes inaccurate, we will update it accordingly. ​ The exception is information collected from surveys, feedback and questionnaires, which are held only for the duration of its usefulness i.e. the duration of a campaign. The data is then anonymised and retained for internal evidential purposes, or deleted. ​ Information Commissioners Office Registration The ICC is the UK’s independent authority which has been set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. ​ Accredex Registration Number: ZB023724 Complaints ACCREDEX will be more than happy to help you should you have any complaints about the processing of your personal data. Under the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), who are the national authority responsible for the protection of personal data. A complaint can be made to the ICO via their website: or through their helpline: +44 (0)303 123 1113 ​ Changes to this Privacy Statement We reserve the right to change this statement. Changes will be published on our website We will notify you of any material changes to this statement via email (where possible) but recommend that you also check this statement regularly, so that you are informed of any changes. ​ Contact Details: Written enquiries may be sent to Accredex Limited, Mercury House, 19-21 Chapel Street, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 3HN or by e-mail to Review This policy is reviewed regularly and updated as required. Last update 19/03.2021 ​
  • When I run course window just says "Incomplete" and nothing else happens - what is wrong?
    The course is trying to open to continue progress, but your browser is blocking the popup / next tab from opening. When you click on the course please monitor the address bar or browser top to see if it is saying "popup blocked" - you need to click on this and allow popups. Please see additional question on progress not being saved as this also relates to browser settings.
  • How do CIHT users access the course and exam ?
    CIHT members and users will access the course on the CIHT LMS. Once they have completed the course, they can request exam access on the Accredex/CIC platform. The link to request the exam is Once the user has taken the exam (under exam conditions - see other FAQs), they can then apply for CSCS White card (under AQP/PQP requirements see other FAQs), or SKILLcard (under their requirements). Any issues please contact
  • Error Missing Key Pair-Id query parameter or cookie value
    If you have issues running the course or exam and getting a key-pair or cookie error, the usual problem is browser settings preventing cookies or cross-site browser windows. How to prevent browser compatibility issues with SCORM content Third-party cookies are placed into a user’s browser by a website hosted on a domain other than the one they’re currently visiting. Just like standard cookies, third-party cookies are used for multiple reasons (e.g., caching user settings and preferences, tracking information, etc.). To distribute SCORM content (i.e. the course and exam files), you must configure your browser to accept third-party cookies. Most browsers accept them by default. If your browser doesn’t (i.e., Safari) or you’ve already disabled third-party cookies from your settings, you have to enable them immediately for SCORM content to load properly. Here’s how to enable third-party cookies in six popular browsers: A. Mozilla Firefox 1. Click the menu symbol and choose Options. 2. Go to the Privacy and Security tab. 3. In the History section, choose Use custom settings for history from the Firefox will drop-down list. 4. In the Cookies and Site Data section, check Accept cookies and site data from websites. 5. From the Accept third-party cookies and site data drop-down list, choose Always. B. Google Chrome 1. Click the menu symbol and choose Settings. 2. In the Privacy and security section, click Cookies and other site data. 3. Make sure you Allow all cookies. C. Internet Explorer 1. Click the gear symbol and choose Internet Options. 2. Go to the Privacy tab. 3. Click Advanced. 4. On the Advanced Privacy Settings dialog box, check Override automatic cookie handling. 5. On the First-party Cookies section, check Accept. 6. On the Third-party Cookies section, check Accept. 7. Check Always allow session cookies. 8. Click Ok. 9. Click Ok again and restart the browser. D. Microsoft Edge 1. Click the menu symbol and choose Settings. 2. In the Advanced settings section, click View advanced settings. 3. From the Cookies drop-down list, choose Don’t block cookies. E. Safari (Mac) 1. Click Safari and choose Preferences. 2. Go to the Privacy tab. 3. In the Cookies and website data section, uncheck Block all cookies. F. Safari (iOS) 1. On your iPhone or iPad, click Settings. 2. On the left-hand panel, choose Safari. 3. In the Privacy & Security section, uncheck Block Cookies. Note: In iOS and MacOS, also make sure that Prevent cross-site tracking is unchecked. If this doesn't work, contact us at
  • How long do I have access to the course for ?
    When you purchase the course, we setup your account and you have 30 days to complete the course and the exam. Your account will be automatically deleted after 30 days. If you need to extend then a lower cost renewal option is available on request.
  • What is the minimum order quantity ?
    The minimum order quantity is 3 courses. This course is aimed at companies with multiple professionals. This is therefore to avoid single users / self-employed workers buying the course when they do not have the ability for in-house exam invigilation. Single users should use the CITB course.
  • Terms & Conditions
    eLearning Terms & Conditions These Terms will apply to any contract between us for the sale of Goods and/or Services to you (the Contract). Please read these Terms carefully and make sure that you understand them, before ordering any Goods or Services from our Sites. Please note that before placing an order you will be asked to agree to these Terms. If you refuse to accept these Terms, you will not be able to order any Goods or Services from our Site. We amend these Terms from time to time as set out in clause 1.2. Every time you wish to make an order, please check these Terms to ensure you understand the terms which will apply at that time. These Terms were most recently updated in July 2017. Please carefully read the following terms before accessing this site or using The Accredex Ltd’s services. By accessing the site (which includes, visiting, registering, purchasing or accessing a course) you accept and agree to all of the covenants and conditions imposed in this agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not access the site. 1. General 1.1) We will endeavour to allow uninterrupted access to your eLearning material, but access to the courses may be suspended, restricted or terminated at any time. 1.2) We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. 1.3) You will have access to the following courses you have purchased for a 1 month period from the date of purchase. 1.4) These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. 1.5) Customers must be capable of “self-invigilation” for the Accredex Health & Safety Exam, that is invigilation in-house, supervised by another employee of the Customer who can attest to exam conditions, and who can also attest to the identity of the exam candidates. 2. Financial 2.1) The client must pay in full or provide a purchase order before the start of any training. 2.2) With purchase orders Accredex Ltd will raise an invoice for the course fees and any certification / exam fees before the start of the training. In the case of PO’s the client must pay any invoice within 30 days of the date on the invoice. 2.3) Online payment is the preferred method of payment. Recognised credit cards are Visa/Mastercard/Maestro. 2.4) Course fees include the licensing of training materials to a limited period of time to and appropriately qualified course content. Each license is valid to one person only and cannot be exchanged or shared. 2.5) We reserve the right to review the pricing and take appropriate action when changes to course or exam specification occur beyond our control. 2.6) Late payment may incur penalty charges. 3. Cancellation Policy 3.1) All cancellations must be submitted via email to 3.2) If a student cannot access the course online via because they fail to meet the required system requirements given on the website, then we will not take responsibility or give a refund to the purchaser. 3.3) Started or completed individual e-learning modules are non refundable. Started or completed e-learning modules purchased as part of a bundle are non refundable. 4. e-Learning Materials 4.1) The training material is property of Accredex Ltd. 4.2) This training material has been prepared, maintained, updated and distributed by Accredex Ltd in conjunction with the CIC. 4.3) The use of the training material on our courses is restricted to the Registered User who has been supplied with the log in details by Accredex Ltd as part of an authorised course. 4.4) The Registered User shall not copy, share, modify, transmit, distribute, or in any way, exploit the copyrighted materials provided by Accredex Ltd other than for their own individual training. Use for any other purpose is expressly prohibited by law and any violators will be prosecuted. 4.5) The Registered User shall not permit anyone else to copy, use, modify, transmit, distribute, or in any way, exploit the copyrighted materials. 4.6) The materials made available by Accredex Ltd are provided “as-is” without warranties of any kind, either expressed, or implied, including, but not limited to, all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement. 4.7) We do not warrant that the materials will be error free including technical inaccuracies, nor free of viruses, or other harmful matter. The entire cost of any necessary service, repair, or correction, is the Registered User’s responsibility. 4.8) We may make improvements, or changes, to this material at any time without prior notification. 4.9) If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions you must cease to use the e-learning immediately. 5. Access to the courses 5.1) We strive to provide access to our services on a continuous basis. To that end, we will take all commercially reasonable efforts to provide uninterrupted Access of the courses to its Students. However, from time to time, students may be unable to Access the courses due to conditions beyond our control. Such conditions include, but are not limited to: force majeure, acts of God, power outages, and the acts of computer hackers and others acting outside the law. Also, from time to time, Access may be unavailable due to software issues, server downtime, increased Internet traffic or downtime, programming errors, regular maintenance of the system, and other related reasons. In response to any unavailability of the courses to its Students, we will take all commercially reasonable steps to ensure Access is restored within a reasonable period of time. The term “commercially reasonable,” as used in these Terms, shall mean reasonable efforts taken in good faith without an unduly or burdensome use or expenditure of time, resources, personnel or money. 5.2) We endeavour to provide the highest quality content to our Students. To that end, we reserve the right, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, or discontinue any aspect or feature of this Site in whole or in part, including, without limitation, the content, availability, Access and/or the Terms of this Site. Such changes, modifications, additions or deletions will be effective immediately upon notice thereof, notice may be made by posting such changes on this Site. 5.3) Users are solely responsible for ensuring that they have sufficient and compatible hardware, software, telecommunications equipment and Internet service necessary for use of the Site. 6. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability 6.1) Users access this site at his/her/its own risk. The site is provided on an “as is, as available” basis without warranty of any kind, expressed, implied or statutory, and any and all warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of third parties’ rights are specifically disclaimed. We do not warrant any particular result from use of the software or site. We do not warrant that the information on the site is accurate, complete or complies with any particular law or regulation, or that the operation of and your access to the site will be uninterrupted, error-free, virus-free or completely secure. 6.2) Under no circumstances and under no legal theory (tort, contract or otherwise) shall we or any of our affiliates, agents, employees, shareholders, directors, officers, third party content providers, successors or assigns be liable to you or any other person or entity for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages of any character, including without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, loss of data, loss of productivity or contract, or any and all other commercial damages or losses. 6.3) In no event will we be liable for any damages in excess of the amount we received from the student for access to a course, even if we have been informed of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. 6.4) In no event will warranties provided by law, if any, apply unless they are required to apply by statute notwithstanding their exclusion by contract. 6.5) This disclaimer is applicable to any damage or injury resulting from the negligence or an omission of Accredex Ltd, computer virus or other similar item, telecommunications errors, or unauthorised access to or use of user information through theft or any other means. We are not liable for criminal, tortious, or negligent actions or omissions of third parties that affect this site.
  • Popup error message: "There has been an error saving your progress to the LMS"
    If you see this error message as a popup - it means that you have inadvertently closed the primary window which connects to our LMS platform. To get rid of the error, please close the session(s) or windows in the course, re-login to the LMS platform as per normal. When you start the course it will open a new popup, and DO NOT CLOSE THE OTHER WINDOW.

If you have any unanswered questions or would like to know more please contact 

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